The Moment of Impact

Be Human, Memorable, and Captivate your Ideal Clients
As a purpose-driven entrepreneur you know when you reach out to your market, and wish people would just GET you without cunning marketing tricks, and join your tribe so your business can have real impact?
...Wouldn't it be great to just
- Be an authentic communicator who can bring your ideas and purpose alive for people
- Light up your audience so you create a community of ideal clients who love you
- Create belonging and rapport that gets your people onboard and taking action
- Make them care about your offer without being salesy or pushy
Express The Best of You
The Moment of Impact is a unique and fast way of being more human, memorable, and captivating, while still being you
Maya Angelou:
"People will never forget how you made them feel"

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to enjoy making your next conversation light up your audience. Accept this small adventure and get a whole new rapport with people you talk to...
2022 is the Time to Create a Community of Ideal Clients who Love You
Will 2022 be the year that you throw caution to the wind and really make things happen? Will you open up about your purpose and gather people in to inspire with the journey you have planned for them?
The whole business world is telling you to tell your story, but not how to feel good about doing it. Start playing today with little ways that genuine storytellers create rapport and fascination. When you discover that you too can be captivating, while still being you, all your conversations and marketing get better results
Create moments of impact with each person you want to affect, so that they really GET you and get on board with you, so you can fulfil your purpose

Don't Waste Time Trying to Go It Alone
You need an expert eye and ear to help bring out your unique appeal (Yes, you've got one!) Get fast confidence from knowing which of your strengths makes the most positive impression, and what people want more of from you
Hi, I'm Tim Sheppard, and I'm here to help you accelerate your results in captivating your ideal clients so you can run a profitable purpose-driven business with a heart.
If you have ever wanted to build a business that inspires, I'd like to extend a special invitation to you.
Join me and other purpose-driven entrepreneurs in the Boldly Human free community dedicated to helping you making moments of impact whenever you talk, so that you can create community and impact that makes money while making a difference.Ready to Go Further?
Here's how to get started. Do you want
Fast results and skills, or Confidence in your personal strengths, or just Fun exploring? You choose!
Boldly Human
Explore tips, conversations, and join our community of purpose-driven entrepreneurs on the adventure of being captivating
Your Natural Appeal
How captivating is your communication? Book a free session for expert feedback and personal tips to improve
Light Up Your Audience
Transform your confidence and success in presenting your ideas, with a 6-week personal coaching programme

I'm feeling so much more confident than I did before. It’s all because of you that I’m so positive
Mary Jones

It was the calmest I've ever been when on the spot. You have helped me so much! Thank you for being so kind, professional and caring
Jo Godin
You Can Go Further Now
My mission is to get all purpose-driven entrepreneurs to feel free to be Boldly Human. That means you sharing your message from the heart, in an authentic way that makes people care and take action. You can make a real social impact by creating moments of personal impact when you communicate. Come and play on our Boldly Human facebook page!

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